Welcome to KCMBF

Founded in 1979, The Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation (KCMBF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and was founded as the charitable arm of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association (KCMBA).

The mission of the Foundation is to serve the community by creating and supporting public service or educational programs which promote the administration of justice, delivery of legal services, professional development or respect for the law.

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Solving Problems and Building an Equitable Future

Number of Professionals Educated on Domestic Violence
Value of Legal Services Provided to Service Members and Veterans of KC
Number of Local Underserved High School Students Supported
“Providing education through the Domestic Violence Alliance helps to improve the coordinated community response required to effectively address domestic violence. I believe training helps strengthen our community and improve survivor services and offender accountability efforts.”
Dr. Sara Brammer of Synergy Services, Domestic Violence Alliance
“I always believed that the [Student Law Academy] was a great program, but I never participated as a Mentor because I thought I would not really to be considered a Mentor. However, after going through the program with my Mentee, I realized how much I have to offer my Mentee. I truly enjoyed my time being a Mentor, knowing that I helped guide the life of my Mentee while learning more about myself and reminding myself why I became a lawyer.”
Ronald Nguyen of The Law Office of Ronald Nguyen, LLC, Student Law Academy
“While volunteering, I have enjoyed listening to and learning from other professionals, as I have gained knowledge from my fellow committee members and speakers that has helped me in my work.”
Elizabeth Gruss of Hope House, Domestic Violence Alliance
“I volunteer with Military Matters because I am in a unique position to help clients with their municipal court matters. My clients put their life on the line for our country - serving them is a no-brainer. The State of Missouri requires pro-bono service of most of its attorneys (Prosecutors, Judges, and Public Defenders are excluded). Serving with Military Matters fulfills that requirement.”
Aimee Gromowsky of Aimee the Attorney, Military Matters
“It was very inspiring to see individuals succeed in the profession. I felt like if other people can do it and are willing to help us young people to succeed as well, then there’s no reason for why I shouldn’t be able to become an attorney.”
Anonymous, 2021 Student Law Academy Scholar
“I have found volunteering with Student Law Academy to be very rewarding. I think it’s important to do what we can to support each other and the next generation of lawyers in Kansas City. ”
David L. Heinemann of Shank & Heinemann, LLC, Student Law Academy
“Showing students that it IS possible to achieve your dreams is part of what made me volunteer with [Student Law Academy]. I was the first person in my family to get a bachelor’s degree and the only person in my family to have completed a post-graduate education – at times it seemed daunting and unobtainable, especially due to lack of financial support. I think it is so important to encourage the next generation to strive to have any career they want to have.”
Shannon Cohorst Johnson of Seigfreid Bingham, PC, Student Law Academy
“[Student Law Academy] truly gave me a boost of confidence to not be afraid to believe in myself. I also truly enjoyed speaking with my mentors, they are truly strong women that I now look up to. Knowing more about them helped me believe that I can do anything no matter what others may think or say. As well as, how my economic status won’t affect my education, if I try hard enough.”
Anonymous, 2021 Student Law Academy Scholar
“[Student Law Academy] is such a great opportunity for students and the volunteers. It is important for attorneys to continue to be involved in the communities that we practice in and give back.”
Tamara Veit of McElligott, Ewan & Hall, PC, Student Law Academy
“As a graduate of Ruskin High School, I value giving my time to young people who face comparable challenges that I faced. I want them to know that they have me in their corner no matter what. Every time I get the opportunity to work with young people I am reminded about the best in humanity.”
Steven Alan Ramsey of Veterans United Home Loans, Student Law Academy
“Listening to the stories and circumstances of each person we help makes me a more understanding and compassionate lawyer. It also puts what we do as lawyers in a different perspective after witnessing the serious issues others and their families face. One of my law school professors would say the practice of law is a profession, not a job. As a professional, you owe your community your time, talents, and abilities to make the community a better place to live for everyone.”
Michael A. Williams of Williams Dirks Dameron LLC, Military Matters
“I absolutely love this program and the opportunity for learning that it provides to mentees and mentors. I think the program is incredibly well organized with a broad spectrum of information and practice areas.“
Judith Westmoreland of Jackson County CASA, Student Law Academy
“[Student Law Academy] is a wonderful program that will cultivate Kansas City's legal community for years to come.”
Austin T. Osborn of McCartney Stucky LLC, Student Law Academy

KCMBF News & Announcements

Get Involved

Our Legal Connection programs allow attorneys and community members to meaningfully give back to the Kansas City community. We have opportunities for you to share your time, talent, and resources. 

Current Sponsorship Opportunities

Support KCMBF by sponsoring the 2023 Student Law Academy Program!

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Volunteer Spotlight

Shannon Cohorst Johnson
Shannon Cohorst Johnson
Seigfreid Bingham, PC
“Connecting and encouraging students is so rewarding. Learning more about the [Student Law Academy] students and the obstacles they face has educated me and helped me see where I can do more and support more.”
Brice C. Barnard
Platte County Prosecutor’s Office
“[Student Law Academy] is a wonderful organization that values early educational opportunities for the next generation of legal professionals. I love helping in any way I can to set up a future for success in the Kansas City legal community.”
Athena Dickson
Athena Dickson
Siro Smith Dickson PC
"As a first-generation attorney from an underserved community, Athena dedicates a substantial amount of time with Student Law Academy scholars. Athena is a champion for SLA, teaching that it does not matter where you start, it only matters where your hard work and determination will take you."
Kelly J. Keefe
Kelly J. Keefe
Keefe Family Law, LLC
“I believe that it is important for military service members and veterans to have access to affordable legal representation. I have had the opportunity [through Military Matters] to meet and work with some great people and have gained a better perspective of the legal issues that military service members and veterans are faced with.”
Elizabeth Gruss
Elizabeth Gruss
Hope House
“I am grateful for the opportunity to volunteer with the Domestic Violence Alliance because I can advocate for my clients. I can share what barriers my clients have experienced and brainstorm with community partners on how to address these issues.”
Steven Alan Ramsey
Steven Alan Ramsey
Veterans United Home Loans
“As a graduate of Ruskin High School, I value giving my time to young people who face comparable challenges that I faced. I want them to know that they have me in their corner no matter what. Every time I get the opportunity to work with young people I am reminded about the best in humanity.”
Dr. Sara Brammer
Dr. Sara Brammer
Synergy Services
“Providing education through the Domestic Violence Alliance helps to improve the coordinated community response required to effectively address domestic violence. I believe training helps strengthen our community and improve survivor services and offender accountability efforts.”
Aimee Gromowsky
Aimee Gromowsky
Aimee the Attorney
“I volunteer with Military Matters because I am in a unique position to help clients with their municipal court matters. My clients put their life on the line for our country - serving them is a no-brainer. I am so grateful for the relationship I am able to build with my Military Matters-referred clients.”
Christopher B. Turney
Turney LG
“I never served our country via military service, and I feel like [Military Matters] is one way I can support those who did. I have tremendous respect for our veterans. I have deep appreciation for KCMBF, and volunteering is a small way that I can show my gratitude for all it does.”
David L. Heinemann
David L. Heinemann
Shank & Heinemann, LLC
“I volunteer with Student Law Academy along with other members of the Lawyer Well-Being Committee to provide our perspective on some of the challenges to well-being associated with law school and working as a lawyer, as well as how to manage these challenges.”
Michael A. Williams
Michael A. Williams
Williams Dirks Dameron LLC
“As the son of an Army Veteran and having lived my childhood on military bases, I know how dedicated, and hardworking soldiers are. Volunteering for Military Matters allows me to use my skills to say thank you to those protecting our country.”
Ronald Nguyen
Ronald Nguyen
The Law Office of Ronald Nguyen, LLC
"Ron volunteers with Military Matters, “To honor the soldiers and the family members of those who have given their minds, limbs, and/or lives to protect our country and our Constitution. [Through volunteering] I have gained a better perspective and new appreciation for Veterans and their sacrifices.”