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Legal Connection: Military Matters, one of KCMBF's three Legal Connection programs, fills the gap in legal services available to service members and veterans. For more information:

Are you a current volunteer attorney? 

Login to Your Military Matters Account

Volunteer attorneys can watch the Military Matters Digital Kick-Off Event from 2021 which includes an overview of the program's success to date, a walkthrough of the Referral Software, and an explanation of how it affects you.

a group of professionals gathered around one desk discussing a topic

The 6th annual VeteRUN 5k will be held on Saturday, August 24, 2024 at 8:00 AM on the grounds of the National World War I Museum and Memorial. Run sign-up and volunteer opportunities to come!

Sponsorship benefits form can be found here.

Military Matters Pro Bono Spotlight

Each month Military Matters highlights a volunteer attorney who goes above and beyond in accepting referrals for service members and veterans of the Kansas City community. The monthly recognition is meant to distinguish the great work being done by the hundreds of pro-bono volunteer attorneys within the Military Matters Legal Team. 

KCMBF’s Military Matters is proud to shine the May Pro Bono Spotlight on Michaela Marine!

We spoke with Michaela about her volunteerism and what enables her to help her clients at McFarland Law Group. 
When did you get involved with Military Matters?   I believe I got involved in 2022. 

Who or what catalyzed your desire to work in the legal field?  
Funny story. I decided I wanted to be a lawyer when I was in the 3rd grade. We were doing a civics lesson and were learning about the three branches of government. When we got to the judicial branch our teacher had us put on a trial of the three little pigs and big bad wolf. I was a part of the wolf's legal team. The whole process was really fun for me! So, I guess all the credit goes to Ms. Demarea at Morse Elementary!

Can you depict a rewarding experience you’ve had while providing counsel to a client?   I cannot think of a specific time but overall, I think I just appreciate the opportunity to try to put people's minds at ease. I know that anytime someone has to be involved in a legal matter it is scary no matter what. I just hope that I can help relieve some of that stress for people.

What provides you with fortitude when managing a dense caseload?  I just remind myself that everyone is human, and we are all just trying our best. I try to be understanding with my clients and acknowledge that I am experiencing them at one of the lowest times in their lives. 

How would you encourage a peer to volunteer their time and services to a pro or low bono legal aid service?
It's very easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and problems and it can sometimes overwhelm us, get us down, etc. Volunteering can help provide some perspective and help make our own issues not seem so big. I think this not only improves our community with the work we are doing, but also helps our own individual mental health.



Archive of Past Military Matters Pro Bono Spotlights

Explore past Military Matters Pro Bono Spotlights

How You Can Support Military Matters


Are you an attorney? Help fill the gap in legal assistance available to service members and veterans in our service area.

Join the Military Matters Legal Team 

Providing pro bono service through Military Matters satisfies lawyers' requirement of participating in the Jackson County Juvenile appointment program for one year.

Administrative Order 18-06 states, in part:

Local Rules 21.4 (2014) and 21.6.1 (2010) govern the termination/withdrawal of attorneys and guardians ad litem in Chapter 211 RSMo. cases. Upon receipt of a Motion to Withdraw requesting that an attorney be relieved of an appointment in either a Chapter 211 case or a civil contempt case filed in the Family Court Division of the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, the application shall be presented to the Court for consideration, except:

  1. If the attorney's request is based upon verified active participation in the Volunteer Attorney Project or the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation's Legal Connection: Military Matters program within the twelve month period preceding the date of the appointment;

Visit the Court's website here and read the Administrative Order here.

Annual Military Matters Symposium

The 10th annual Military Matters Symposium will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at KCMBF's event center. Registration, CLE details and accreditation to come.

The Military Matters Symposium brings together active Military Matters volunteer attorneys, representatives of veterans support organizations, and other veteran/military experts in the community. Each symposium has focused on a particular veterans topic, with the goal of both education and collaboration between attendees. The purpose of the symposium is to determine if there are additional opportunities for supporting veterans in the Kansas City community.

Explore Past Year Topics and Speakers

Donate to Military Matters and Change Lives

Your donation will help Military Matters continue to grow and serve more service members and veterans in our community.  From providing funds for filing fees, expert testimony and other court fees to providing materials to train attorneys in VA benefit claims, your donation matters.



To volunteer in other capacities, please contact Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation at [email protected] or (816) 474-4322.